Advocacy with faith in development
Photo: Unfiltered Communications

Advocacy is an important tool in creating change and helping decision-makers better understand the world. We are knowledge based, working with freedom of religion or belief, religious literacy and development policy.
We consider ourselves as a dialogue partner but also a truth-teller in relation to decision-makers and authorities such as the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. Our advocacy work is based on the experiences and expertise within our broad ecumenical network in Sweden and worldwide.
Why advocacy?
Faith communities have a strong tradition of being an active part of civil society and the advocacy work of faith based organizations dates back to the movements struggling for religious freedom, democracy and women’s rights during the last century and a half. They have since been a driving force invested in development with the firm belief that a more equal and sustainable world is possible.
Religious literacy
SMC is operating at the intersection of development cooperation, religion and rights. The world is religious and it is crucial that decision-makers and officials have the ability to understand religion, if they are to succeed in their work promoting human rights and democracy.
Together with our members and their partner organisations we enhance knowledge through reports, policy dialogues, seminars and analyses. We are also part of networks and partnerships, nationally and internationally.

Freedom of Religion or Belief
What is freedom of religion or belief?
Freedom of religion or belief is a human right that gives every person the right to have, to change, or to leave his or her religion or belief. We are experts on this freedom and offer both international educations within our network and online resources to anyone who wishes to learn more.

Religious literacy
Who Cares About Religion?
Everyone working with people in international development cooperation, in conflict situations, and in social or humanitarian work, need knowledge about the role of religion in the particular context that they work in, in order to do a good job. We know where you can start.
We have Faith in Development
We work together with our member organisations with faith in development.